SOAP Documentation: QM Verify & Validate


This resource provides methods to create, read, update and delete attribute data from the Verify & Validate data collection object in a Quality Management instance of TraceGains.

Operations List

The Operations List for this resource: QM Verify & Validate Operations List.

Resource WSDL

The WSDL for this resource can be found here: QM Verify & Validate WSDL.

Endpoint URLs

All requests should be sent to one of the following:
      Production Environment:
      Test Environment:


Enterprise | QM

 Deletes a Verify & Validate data record by its ID.

The methods List or Query can be used to retrieve the IDs of Verify & Validate data records.


Parameter Type Description
appKey Guid A registered and active Application Key.
sessionId Guid An active Session ID.
recordId String The ID of the Verify & Validate data record to delete.


RequestResult The default response. This response can take on a different XML element name depending on the development IDE/toolset being used.


Enterprise | QM

 Returns a paged list of Verify & Validate data records using basic request parameters.


Parameter Type Description
appKey Guid A registered and active Application Key.
sessionId Guid An active Session ID.
fromModifiedDate DateTime ISO 8601 formatted date/time string in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Returns Verify & Validate data records that have been modified after this date and time.
toModifiedDate DateTime ISO 8601 formatted date/time string in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Returns Verify & Validate data records that have been modified before this date and time.
pageCriteria PagingCriteria Row index paging criteria.
attributeType AttributeRequestType Determines what type of Attributes to return.
String A list of Attribute IDs that you would like the method to consider for return.

This parameter is optional and used in combination with AttributeRequestType. If your Quality Management instance is configured with extended attribute storage, you can improve the performance of this method by limiting the attributes considered for return by providing this parameter.


Element Type Description
ResponseCode ResponseCode A valid HTTP status code.
Message String A log friendly message.
Verify & Validate
Verify & Validate The list of returned Verify & Validate data records.


Enterprise | QM

 Returns a paged list of Verify & Validate data records using more advanced request parameters.


This method queries raw record data in your TraceGains instance using contains or partial match filtering for all attribute data provided in the filterValues parameter. This behavior is consistent with grid view filtering in the TraceGains UI and reduces the amount of calls to the method required to find similarly sequenced data.


Parameter Type Description
appKey Guid A registered and active Application Key.
sessionId Guid An active Session ID.
fromModifiedDate DateTime ISO 8601 formatted date/time string in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Returns Verify & Validate data records that have been modified after this date and time.
toModifiedDate DateTime ISO 8601 formatted date/time string in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Returns Verify & Validate data records that have been modified before this date and time.
pageCriteria PagingCriteria Row index paging criteria.
attributeType AttributeRequestType Determines what type of Attributes to return.
AttributeValue A list of attribute-value pairs to filter returned Verify & Validate data records. Attributes must be of type VerifyValidate as defined in AttributeUseType. All others will be ignored.
String A list of Attribute IDs that you would like the method to consider for return.

This parameter is optional and used in combination with AttributeRequestType. If your Quality Management instance is configured with extended attribute storage, you can improve the performance of this method by limiting the attributes considered for return by providing this parameter.


Element Type Description
ResponseCode ResponseCode A valid HTTP status code.
Message String A log friendly message.
Verify & Validate
Verify & Validate The list of returned Verify & Validate data records.


Enterprise | QM

 Creates/updates Verify & Validate data records based on key attribute configuration.

This method will create or update existing Verify & Validate data records based on the key attributes provided in the logsData attribute list. It is recommend that all currently configured key attributes be included in each call to this method, or unexpected results could occur.


Parameter Type Description
appKey Guid A registered and active Application Key.
sessionId Guid An active Session ID.
AttributeValue A list of attribute-value pairs to add/update for the Verify & Validate record. Attributes must be of type VerifyValidate as defined in AttributeUseType. All others will be ignored.


RequestResult The default response. This response can take on a different XML element name depending on the development IDE/toolset being used.


 Reports the version information of this resource.


No Parameters


Element Type Description
ResponseCode ResponseCode A valid HTTP Status Code
Message String A log friendly message that can be used in troubleshooting a failed response.
Version String The major, minor, and build number of this resource.