SOAP Documentation: Miscellaneous Types

Account Result

Element Type Description
ResponseCode ResponseCode A valid HTTP status code.
Message String A log friendly message that can be used in troubleshooting a failed response.
Account EnterpriseAccount Enterprise Account

Attribute Result

Generally used as the result of a Get request from the Attributes or related resources. Also used as the base object of a Create or Update request on the Attributes resource.

Element Type Description
ID String The ID of the Attribute.
Name String The Name of the Attribute.
Group String The name of the Attribute Group. The ListGroups method of the Attributes resource returns the active list of Attribute Groups.
DataType AttributeDataType The data type of values stored in the attribute.
Use AttributeUseType The data collection object assignment of the Attribute.
StorageGroup String A sub-group of the type AttributeUseType where raw data values are stored. Note: These sub-groups are created by TraceGains on an as-needed basis to extend storage in a specific TraceGains instance.
ColumnName ReadOnly The name of the column in the database for this Attribute. This name is derived from the Attribute ID, but may not be identical due to naming restrictions in the database schema.
Description String The Description of the Attribute.
Script String The script to execute for Derived and IsComputed attributes. Otherwise, a data normalization script that is applied on Create and Update of the attribute value.
IsSystem Boolean An attribute that is required by the TraceGains system.
IsKey Boolean Indicates the attribute value will be used to determine when to create a new row of data or update an existing row of data.
IsComputed Boolean An attribute where the value of Script is only run on Create or Update of a row of data and the resulting value is stored as the attribute value.
AppliesToAll Boolean Indicates that the attribute applies to all records (Items) in the data collection object.
BusinessRuleHeader ReadOnly Only populated on a Get request. Business Rules cannot be created or updated using the Attributes resource.
CreationDate ReadOnly ISO 8601 formatted date/time string. The date and time the attribute was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
CreatedBy ReadOnly The email address of the logged in user that created the attribute or the Application Name of the Application Key that created the attribute.
UpdatedDate ReadOnly ISO 8601 formatted date/time string. The date and time the attribute was last updated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
UpdatedBy ReadOnly The email address of the logged in user that last updated the attribute or the Application Name of the Application Key that last updated the attribute.

Attribute Value

Element Type Description
ID String The ID of a valid Attribute.
Value String The value to get or set for this Attribute.

Business Rule

Element Type Description
ID ReadOnly The ID of the business rule.
Status BusinessRuleStatusType The status type of the business rule.
Action BusinessRuleActionType The action type of the business rule.
Notification String The name of the Notification Profile assigned to the rule. If the rule criteria is satisfied, then the Notification Profile is triggered.
ForegroundColor BusinessRuleColor The name of the color used to color the text of the attribute value in the UI.
BackgroundColor BusinessRuleColor The name of the color used to color the background of the UI control of the attribute value in the UI.
IsElseRule Boolean Indicates the rule is run when no other rule criteria has been satisfied.
Min String The minimum value of the rule range. This string value must be able to convert to the BusinessRuleType of the business rule header.
Max String The maximum value of the rule range. This string value must be able to convert to the BusinessRuleType of the business rule header.
Value String The base, is equal to, value of the rule. This string value must be able to convert to the BusinessRuleType of the business rule header.

Business Rule Header

Element Type Description
ID ReadOnly The ID of the business rule header.
RuleType BusinessRuleType The data type of the business rule header.
IsRestrictToList Boolean Indicates that the values entered for each rule are the only acceptable values for the attribute.
IsRequired Boolean Indicates that the attribute is required to be completed by the user when the attribute is present in the TraceGains UI.
IsTrackChanges Boolean Indicates that the attribute can toggle the state of the tracked changes attribute for the same data collection object.
UiControlType BusinessRuleControlType Determines how TraceGains represents the attribute in the UI.
DefaultValue String The default value of the attribute. This string value must be able to convert to the BusinessRuleType of the business rule header. Not every BusinessRuleType type supports default values.
ControlMin String Determines the minimum acceptable value of the attribute when provided from the UI. This string value must be able to convert to the BusinessRuleType of the business rule header.
ControlMax String Determines the maximum acceptable value of the attribute when provided from the UI. This string value must be able to convert to the BusinessRuleType of the business rule header.
IncludeInSpecPublishing Boolean Can only be set if the Specification Publishing module is enabled for your TraceGains instance. The Specification Publishing module is a purchased module for TraceGains.
SpecificationName String The specification name of an Item level attribute used in the Specification Publishing module. The Specification Publishing module is a purchased module for TraceGains.
SpecificationDescription String The specification description of an Item level attribute used in the Specification Publishing module. The Specification Publishing module is a purchased module for TraceGains.
BusinessRule A list of rules assigned to this business rule header.
CreationDate ReadOnly ISO 8601 formatted date/time string. The date and time the business rule header was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
CreatedBy ReadOnly The email address of the logged in user that created the business rule header or the Application Name of the Application Key that created the business rule header.
UpdatedDate ReadOnly ISO 8601 formatted date/time string. The date and time the business rule header was last updated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
UpdatedBy ReadOnly The email address of the logged in user that last updated the business rule header or the Application Name of the Application Key that last updated the business rule header.

CAR Result

Element Type Description
ID Integer The ID of the CAR record.
SupplierID String The Supplier ID of the record.
SupplierName String The Supplier Name of the record.
ItemID String The Item ID of the record.
ItemName String The Item Name of the record.
IDCoa Integer The ID of a linked COA record.
IDSupplierAudit Integer The ID of a linked Supplier Audit record.
Action String A value from the Action rules attribute value list for the CAR object.
Status String A value from the Status rules attribute value list for the CAR object.
AttributeValue The list of Attributes requested for the CAR. Attributes will be of type Car as defined in AttributeUseType.

COA Result

Element Type Description
ID Integer The ID of the COA record.
SupplierID String The Supplier ID of the record.
SupplierName String The Supplier Name of the record.
ItemID String The Item ID of the record.
ItemName String The Item Name of the record.
PoNumber String The PO Number of the record. Optional, only if this attribute is being captured during data collection.
PoLineNumber String The PO Line Number of the record. Optional, only if this attribute is being captured during data collection.
Action String A value from the Action rules attribute value list for the COA object.
Status String A value from the Status rules attribute value list for the COA object.
AttributeValue The list of Attributes requested for the COA. Attributes will be of type Coa as defined in AttributeUseType.

Enterprise Account

Element Type Description
EmailAddress String The email address of the owner of the account.
FirstName String The first name of the owner of the account.
LastName String The last name of the owner of the account.
Company String The name of the company that employs the owner.
AccountRole String The TraceGains Role assigned to the account.
EnableNotifications Boolean Indicates/determines if notifications are enabled/disabled for this account.
CreatedBy ReadOnly The email address of the logged in user that created the account or the Application Name of the Application Key that created the account.
CreatedDate ReadOnly ISO 8601 formatted date/time string. The date and time the account was created in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
UpdatedBy ReadOnly The email address of the logged in user that last updated the account or the Application Name of the Application Key that last updated the account.
UpdatedDate ReadOnly ISO 8601 formatted date/time string. The date and time the account was last updated in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Item Result

This object is often used as an Item and ItemResult in both requests and responses.

Element Type Description
ID String The ID of the Item.
Name String The Name of the Item.
Description String The Description of the Item.
Group String The Item Group. The ListGroups method of the Items resource returns the active list of Item Groups.
Category String The Item Category. Possible values are Raw Materials, Packaging, and Finished Good.
AttributeUse The list of Attributes assigned to the Item for a Get request. The list of Attributes to assign to the Item for a Create or Update request.

Paging Criteria

Any method that uses the PagingCriteria object limits the amount of records returned to a maximum of 75! Attempts to retrieve more than 75 records at a time will be ignored and only the first 75 records will be returned.

Element Type Description
FirstResultIndex Integer The index of the first row to return.
LastResultIndex Integer The index of the last row to return.

PO Result

Element Type Description
ID Integer The ID of the PO record.
PoNumber String The PO Number of the record.
SupplierID String The Supplier ID of the record.
SupplierName String The Supplier Name of the record.
LineNumber String The PO Line Number of the record.
ItemID String The Item ID of the record.
ItemName String The Item Name of the record.
Action String A value from the Action rules attribute value list for the PO object.
Status String A value from the Status rules attribute value list for the PO object.
AttributeValue The list of Attributes requested for the PO. Attributes will be of type Po as defined in AttributeUseType.

Read-only Element

ReadOnly String These elements are read-only. Their values are ignored in a formatted request.

Supplier Result

Element Type Description
ID String The ID of the Supplier.
Name String The Name of the Supplier.
Action String A value from the Action rules attribute value list for the Supplier object.
Status String A value from the Status rules attribute value list for the Supplier object.
IsActive Boolean True if Supplier active, False if Supplier is inactive.
AttributeValue The list of Attributes requested for the Supplier.

Supplier Item Result

Element Type Description
ID Integer The ID of the Supplier Item.
SupplierID String The ID of the Supplier.
SupplierName String The Name of the Supplier.
ItemID String The ID of the Item.
ItemName String The Name of the Item.
Action String A value from the Action rules attribute value list for the Supplier Item object.
Status String A value from the Status rules attribute value list for the Supplier Item object.
IsActive Boolean True if Supplier Item active, False if Supplier Item is inactive.
AttributeValue The list of Attributes requested for the Supplier Item.

Table Data Value

The Table Data Value object is used to display or consume structured Section:Row:Cell data for those TraceGains data objects that support the use of Table Templates.


When using the Table Data Value structure to upload data you must keep in mind that TraceGains will update Cell data based on both Row and Cell indexes! The elements Row and Cell do not contain an identifying Name property for reference so you if you need to update Cell 2 of Row 2, you must include all Row and Cell data for the entire Section of the Table Template you wish to update! TraceGains assumes Row and Cell data that was not povided for a Section is no longer necessary and will delete the data from the Table Template.

Table Data Value structure: